Price list
Full version
10 €
Connection of owners, association and facility company
Bulletin board, email notifications, polls, events and more.
Mobile apps
Up-to-date information about your house with you at all times.
Secure document archive
5 GB for all your documents, photos and other data.
Online voting
Legally valid voting completely online.
Fault reports
Take pictures, describe and let the responsible person know in an instant.
Update the cadastre
Regular updating of the cadastre with a record of changes.
Keeping an eye on legislative changes
Regular newsletter with news from the HO world
HOA legal advice
Sample documents, articles, direct questions to a lawyer.
After the connection to a Domus system
Integration to the DOMUS system
Connection to DOMUS software gives the homeowner' association a managerial view of the data managed by the administrator.
Financial flows in your HOA, repair fund status, overview of invoices and debtors.
Inventory of revisions, responsible persons and revision reports in one place.
You can find the service offer specification in the product list.
Extra services
5 GB storage expansion
Additional 5 GB for documents, photos and other home data.
12 EUR
incl. VAT per year
Extra updates from the cadastre
On request we will update your cadastre within 24 hours (units, owners, shares)
10 EUR + 0,50 EUR / flat unit
including VAT